Our Services + Process


At K. Lear Design we provide our clients with the following services:


Space Planning // Materials // Painting // Window Coverings // Furnishings // Color Selections // Lighting Design // Project Management // virtual design services // turnkey design services for homes purchase remotely


What to expect

We are designing for you

When a client hires us to represent them within their own space we want to be good listeners. I am designing for them. We are wanting to help them tell their story about how they want to live, what they want to be surrounded by, what their style is.


The good news?

You Don’t Need All The Answers

Sometimes clients know exactly what they want. They have a point of view. They may teach us about a place we’ve never visited or they may have a collection of something we have never seen or know nothing about. We learn so much from them and from every project. We can take that knowledge and share it with the next client. On the other hand, there are clients who aren’t sure exactly what they want. So really having conversations with them and showing them what’s out there and educating them we find that they do have a point of view.


We provide options

And Open Minded Design

It may be hard for a client to articulate exactly what they want, but by listening and showing them images of designs and asking what they like about the design they tell us about how they want to live. During the process of design we present many options to the client. There are a million different ways to design a room. We’re here to provide and give an amazing experience, to stay fluid and open minded. We’re here to provide a service and create beautiful design. Open minded design!


The first steP?

Inspiration Is Key

We enjoy spending some time in the space that we will be designing. Walking around the home. Asking questions. What are your likes? Art, books, music, memorable trips. It’s important to take some time. Create a “vibe page”, Pinterest, tear sheets from magazines and laying them all out. The discovery and research process is important. Scale, lighting, dimension, color and how they all work together comes into play. Putting together a story. It’s essential to have a timeline and plan for the design journey.


Ready to get started?

Let’s create something beautiful together.
